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You Deserve
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About Us
Ali Kofiro
Ali Kofiro is the founder of Disability Benefit Solutions, a firm that specializes in representing people with disabilities who need to apply Social Security disability benefits. Mr. Kofiro is an experienced disability representative who has handled hundreds of Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income claims across the nation. He is an accredited Social Security representative and has deep knowledge of our nation’s disability laws. He is a member of the National Association of Disability Representatives. Mr. Kofiro is also a licensed counselor and has spent more than 17 years as a counselor working with those who are in need of emotional support. Being both an accredited disability representative and a licensed counselor makes Ali exceptionally qualified to handle disability cases from the initial application and reconsideration appeal to before Administrative Law Judges at the hearing and at the Appeals Council if an adverse decision occurs.

Kelly Blad
Managing Partner
Kelly Blad is the managing partner at Disability Benefit Solutions. Ms. Blad has been representing people since 2007 and has handled thousands of Social Security disability claims across the nation. She is an accredited Social Security representative and has vast knowledge and expertise in the area of disability law. In addition to managing a caseload, Kelly is a board member of the National Association of Disability Representatives. Kelly has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Sociology and a Master of Arts degree in Public Safety Education and Administration. Her skills, knowledge and training lend themselves to making an exceptional advocate for those that need representation at all levels of the disability process.

Disability Benefit Solutions is here to
help you get the benefits you deserve.
We will do all the paperwork for you,
submit your application and ensure any
denials are appealed in a timely fashion.
To get the Benefits You Deserve Reach
out Right Now!
Did you know that most people who apply for Social Security Disability benefits are denied on their initial application?
At Disability Benefit Solutions (DBS) LLC,
our team has detailed knowledge of our
nation’s disability laws and we can advise you on your best available options.

If you believe you are too sick or injured to work, Disability Benefit Solutions LLC can help you file a claim for benefits with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA evaluates every claim using the following 5-step analysis:
Step 1 - Are you engaged in Substantial Gainful Activity? If working full-time or earning over a specific amount of gross income per month regardless of how much you work, you are automatically disqualified for benefits. If you are neither, the SSA then moves on to step 2.
Step 2 - Do you have a severe impairment? This is usually an easy step to satisfy, as the SSA often finds that you have a severe impairment as long as a medical professional diagnoses it. If the SSA does not make such a finding, you are automatically disqualified. If it does, the SSA moves on to step 3.
Step 3 - Does your impairment meet or equal a Listing? If your impairment, mental and/or physical, meets or equals very specific medical criteria for that particular diagnosis/illness/condition, you are found eligible at this step. This determination must be made by a medical professional. If your impairment does not meet or equal a Listing, the SSA then moves on to step 4.
Step 4 - Does your impairment prevent you from performing your past relevant work? You must, to the best of your knowledge, provide the SSA with a list of all the jobs you held during the 15 years preceding the date your impairment began. The SSA will then evaluate your list to determine whether your impairment prevents you from performing any of your past relevant work. If not, you are disqualified. If so, the SSA then moves on to step 5.
Step 5 - Does your impairment prevent you from performing any other type of work, even with the limitations and restrictions imposed by it? This step requires an evaluation by a qualified vocational expert to determine whether there are any jobs, other than your past jobs, that you can still perform despite your impairment(s). If the vocational expert so finds and the SSA adopts those findings, you are disqualified. If not, you are disabled and therefore eligible for benefits.
It can take approximately six months to receive a decision on your initial application. If your application is denied, it can take an additional year and a half to obtain a decision as your claim works its way through the appeals process. However, certain circumstances can shorten that time period, so let our representatives determine if any are applicable to your case.
If you are found eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, the amount you will receive each month is calculated based on your lifetime earnings, which differ for every individual. Please refer to your latest bi-annual statement from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to see how much (if any) SSDI you may receive. Also, if you have unmarried children under age 18 (or under age 19 if still in high school) that live in your home, you may receive additional money to help care for them. If you are awarded Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the monthly maximum Federal amounts for 2018 are $750 for an eligible individual, $1,125 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $376 for an essential person.
If you are awarded Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, you will be eligible for Medicare coverage after a waiting period of 24 months. If you are awarded Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you will be entitled to Medicaid coverage as soon as your entitlement to SSI begins.
Even if you're working, you may still qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The Social Security Administration's regulations state that you are disqualified if you are engaged in "substantial gainful activity," i.e. working and earning more than $ 1,180 a month. However, if you are in a sheltered workshop, receiving subsidized employment which is not competitive in the labor market, working only part-time, earning less than $ 1,180 a month, or there are other special considerations in your work, you may still be eligible to apply for and receive SSDI and/or SSI. We are trained to understand exactly what constitutes "substantial gainful activity" and how to analyze your work situation.
Workers' Compensation benefits can reduce your Social Security Disability Insurance benefit. For example, lump sum Workers' Compensation settlements can be used to offset monthly SSDI benefit if not worded properly to reflect a pro-ration of the lump sum, for example, over the worker's life expectancy. We can advise you or your workers' compensation attorney about the best wording of settlement documents, so you get the least offset against future SSDI.
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